Aindriya Barua's profile

Treading the in-betweens

We are so obsessed with giving labels to everything, be it relationships, state of mind, political opinions, sexual orientation, or anything else.

There’s so much resistance towards acknowledging our conflicted messy being. A part of me might be rejoicing and thankful for the perfect morning chai, a part of me might be breaking down for the 23 errors in my code I can’t fix for days. Feeling two things at the same time doesn’t doesn’t make me unjust towards any one of them. It’s okay to feel so many things at the same time that it’s hard to comprehend anymore.

I get it, it would be easier to be able to just tell apart feelings into separate orderly boxes. But guess what, life does not give us the luxury of organised shelves. Unlike in Bollywood movies, there are no perfect villains and perfect heroes. We are all but treading the hazy in-betweens.
So here I am, tip toeing between the blacks and whites. Embracing the beauty in duality of the good and bad. Drowning in a sea of chaos, yet keeping my head above the water, clinging to treacherous boats of hopes and empty dreams of kissing the skies.

They say ‘order’ is the antidote to ‘chaos’. But how can it be an antidote, when this chaos is not my poison in the first place?

Treading the in-betweens

Treading the in-betweens
