Shaurya Mehta's profile

Suvarsha Bio-ponic Plant

Environment Design

Speculative Design 

Suvarsha is a bioponic plant which helps a person to grow fresh ,organic fruits and vegetables both indoor and outdoor. Suvarsha offers all aquaponic, hydroponics and aeroponics depending upon the person's preference. 
Globally we waste 33% of food we produce. 
By 2040 major cities of the world will run out of water. making it the petroleum of the future. 
And with the world population about to reach to 9 billion there will be more mouths to feed with less land. 
Increase your Air Quality 

With suvarsha you can increase the air quality by 1%. 
The side compartments can be used to plant these three plants which help in purifying the air and increase one's cognitive ability. ​​​​​​​

With the main body, there are two separate pods for the air purifying plants which can be removed as well. The pole can be used for the money plant or any other creeper and uses the same apparatus from the aquaponic.
Clean Energy source 

Suvarsha uses a clean energy source for power. As using UV lights is energy inefficient suvarsha has a self tilting solar panel. 
Suvarsha Bio-ponic Plant


Suvarsha Bio-ponic Plant
