Still captivated by the phenomenon that is Hamilton, I had the idea to recreate a specific scene from one of the songs which is Hurricane, with flying props animated across the stage in a seamless loop. Unfortunately I could only find blueprints of the Richard Rodgers theatre stage where the musical premiered but not of the Hamilton set itself. So I took screenshots watching the musical and modelled all the assets by sense of proportion.
Modelling the basic stage layout took a whole day. Although, there are many elements that can be duplicated or mirrored, arrayed (most notably the wood joists, railings and stairs), which makes the process a whole lot easier. And since I memorised a whole lot of important keyboard shortcuts already, this was mostly repetitive. To get the proportions right was one of the more challenging aspects.
I also wouldn't have guessed how time-consuming finding the right textures would be. Even though the websites previously mentioned have a quite considerable variety of textures freely available, you still need to import, scale and adjust them to your scene every single time, until the scene starts to look remotely like in the reference images. And rendering 300 frames in a fairly high resolution takes some time (20+ hours), you need to be sure everything is done correctly.
Animated Hamilton


Animated Hamilton

Animation of the Hurricane from the Broadway musical Hamilton
