Painting (above) - 'Lovers', Full View
Gallery (above) - 'The Great Conjunction' - Color and Grayscale
Gallery (above) - 'The Great Conjunction' - Split View
Painting (above) - 'The Great Conjunction' - Grayscale Tilt View
Painting (above) - 'The Great Conjunction' - Section View
Painting (above) - 'The Great Conjunction' - Section View
Title- Lovers
Medium- Acrylic and Chalk on Canvas
Size - 16x12 inches
Year- December, 2020

I love this red and blue painting. The undertones of aquamarine , thalo and cerulean blue make the red pop. The reds are a combination of medium to high hues with blend of cadmium yellow. The chalk paste adds to the texture( in my opinion).

🎵 The lovers meet
In a secret silence
The blue skies and
The sun in its setting
Reflecting a bright red
On the two in embrace
As they lock their gaze
Staring in love
A moment still
In this ephemeral life..🎵

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Title- Lovers, made this painting with acrylic and chalk on canvas.
