Austin Demand's profile

Fractal Worlds Dungeon Demo

Name: Fractured World Dungeon Demo
Description: A rouge-like prototype that I have been working while enrolled at SNHU. I utilized skills I learned from my coursework as well as guides online from the Terrible Programmer. I wanted to link his videos here but I cannot find his channel on Youtube anymore. I have also composed all the artwork used in the game. It currently has a tick-based action system, destructible environments, an inventory system, and a “paper doll” equipment system where you see the items you equip to the player.
Tools Used: Python, Pygame, Libtcodpy
Skills: I want to highlight my game making abilities here. This artifact is much more refined than my other pieces. I want it to showcase how I can integrate multiple things together. Additionally, I want to showcase my abilities to create 2D spritework and animations.

This project is the culmination of knowledge and my experience as a game developer. This is start of something that I have always wanted to create. Working on this helps me envision my future in the game development. It also helped me conceptualize and develop ideas that I have. Creating the engine and making it all flow together is something that I have really loved. During the time of this course, I made animations and integrated them. Previously, I did not have a way to make icons animate. I had some trouble integrating the animations with the rest of the game. I eventually piggy backed them onto regular actors rather than making them separate. This integration allowed for it to be displayed easily. I also added some UI elements to make the game more accessible. I also added win and loss conditions to make everything feel more like a game. All of my work on this is practically a dream come true. I have really enjoyed my time working this.

Fractal Worlds Dungeon Demo

Fractal Worlds Dungeon Demo
