This drawing took longer than expected. I haven't been feeling my best these past few weeks so I was putting in a little bit here and there. 

The little girl is bartering her best friend for her life. She's really broken about it and is hesitating. She bravely faces death fiercely towering over her. She may try to buy more time, but sooner or later she won't be able to escape the inevitable-- no one can.

I wanted to give a sense of a tug-o-war feeling. Dark vs light. Bad vs good. Ancient vs youth. Cruelty vs innocence. He hunches down forward as she leans back looking up. I made sure I had the lighting properly placed so that she is embraced with light while he is cloaked in shadow. I wanted the Reaper to appear larger than life so he's obscenely stretched like a pillar holding up the sky. To think I nearly ripped up this drawing twice since I started, but I'm glad I stuck to it.

This is my barter with Eric We both agreed on something dark and more surreal. I don't do many illustrations as much as I'd like to so I hope you like it, Eric.

-- Meks

Duration: 14 hours
Medium: Primo Euro charcoal pencil B
Size: 9"x12" Arches watercolor paper
Video tutorials:
The Barter

The Barter

A charcoal illustration of a little girl bartering her teddy for her life with the grim reaper.
