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The Phantom Thieves (Persona 5 Hockey)

Take your heart and your ice.

From its soundtrack to its characters to even its basic dialogue box, Persona 5 is a game that oozes style. And that style comes with a look all its own. 

It's a look carries over really well to hockey, too. 

So, taking art assets and inspiration from Persona 5 and its spin-off titles then combining them with modified NHL uniform templates, here’s a shot at imagining what the Phantom Thieves might look like as a hockey team.
Hockey is an extraordinary game that should be welcoming to anyone regardless of race, religion, or gender. But the reality, however harsh it may be for some to accept, is that it's not. Progress has been made, but there is still a long way to go and much work to be done.

On every uniform design posted here, either on the right side of the player's chest or on the right shoulder, is a patch in support of the Black Lives Matter movement and the You Can Play Project. These patches alone won’t rid the game of hatred or bigotry. But I hope that they can serve as a constant reminder of where hockey, and society as a whole, needs to be and can eventually get to. 

If you like what you saw here, then I encourage you to take a minute and check out the groups and organizations listed below that are working to make hockey better for everyone. And, if it isn’t too much, I ask that you try and support them in any way you can.

Thanks. -NT

- NOTE: I am not affiliated with any of the listed organizations
The Phantom Thieves (Persona 5 Hockey)