Andreea Zabulic's profile

Anguished Meditations

Anguished Meditations 

This year has been a tough one for each of us. Isolation can be both a curse and a blessing. As an introverted creative, I took this as an opportunity for introspection. And since my art is the best medium I use in order to get in touch with my inner self and bring it to the surface, a lot of the artworks I did recently are a touch more intimate, closer to my real interests and visions. 

This triptych represents an exploration of states of mind: "Euphoria", "The Comfort Zone" and "Grief". I believe they are universal, feelings that take root in each of us at some point or another. 

The figures are intentionally somewhat ambiguous, because I like to leave space for the viewer to insert themselves into the piece. Create their own narrative, make the experience of viewing art a memorable and relatable one. 
Thank you for the visit!
Anguished Meditations


Anguished Meditations
