Currently 42% of Australians do not have access
to an organics waste bin collection - without a
system to collect this organic material, people’s
only way to dispose of this material is putting into
the rubbish bin destined for landfill. As a result
over 50% of household waste in Victoria is organic

Australia is fourth largest producer of food waste
in the world according to PlanetArk, so ensuring
this organic material can be captured into a
closed-loop system will prevent Australia & the
globe from generating greenhouse gas production
from organic materials.

Providing a system that can capture this material
will ensure it does not become a wasted product,
to instead become biogs, which according to the
EPA, has “practically no greenhouse gas release”.
BIO LIT is a closed-loop community-produced
anaerobic biogs system that captures organic
material that otherwise would’ve gone to landfill
to produce methane, but thanks to BIO LIT
instead transforms waste into context-specific
The design communicates how the social
construct of waste does not need to exist if
systems are designed to capture & transform it.

Being made locally from community sourced
plastic waste to enclose local “waste” production,
BIO LIT not only captures & transforms “waste”
but is made of it.
BIO LIT provides a system to ensure “waste” is 
transformed into something useful again, 
challenging the social construct that allows
entities to be unutilised within a linear system.
The design process ensured as many sustainable
design practices were applied to produce a truly 
sustainable outcome to reclaim greenwashed
phrases. A modular design to allow for
customisation to user’s changing needs, which
also ensures ease of disassembly for repairs
or replacements. Ensuring the product is a
community led, produced & used empowers
communities to produce green & accessible
energy that is community specific rather than
BIO LIT (2020)

BIO LIT (2020)
