Ana Mendes's profile

Publications colaboration

Capitalism is the crysis

Illustration made for the cover of Esquerda magazine, depicting everything being slowly removed from us by capitalism - from free healthcare to a dignifying home.

Cover design: Tiago Tavares
copy on 'jenga' pieces (selected by the client): fair salary, time, fair taxes, forests, peace, freedom, solidarity, equality, free healthcare, right to water, public services, biodiversity, right to work, retirement age, access to culture (pieces on 'jenga' tower); amazon rainforest, decent housing, steady job (pieces already out of the 'jenga' tower).
Take justice into one’s own hands

My collaboration for 'Ilustrário do amor próprio', on the expression “Fazer justiça com as próprias mãos” - Take justice into one’s own hands.
In this project by Catarina Maia, took part another 68 illustrators, each with a different portuguese made-up expression for female pleasure.

Client: Catarina Maia
Printed by: Mago Print Studio
Cover design: Inês Pais
photo above on the left: photo by Adriana Moraisphoto above on the right: book cover
partir para ficar

Cover and body design for the book "Partir para ficar", by Tiago Pinho, where the author tell us about his trip with Joana, hitchhiking from Europe to the Middle East. 

Client: Tiago Pinho (Partir para ficar)
Book design: Ana Mendes

Final product
Publications colaboration

Publications colaboration
