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Tata Sky Fitness - Pitch

Tata Sky Fitness
Objective: Get Tata Sky subscribers to subscribe to Tata Sky Fitnes
Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels
The most common phrase heard in Indian households with regard to the TV is "TV ke saamne bas baithe rahoge, kya?” (you're going to sit in front of the TV all the time?). 

It's India's most popular and iconic taunt. 

So how do we work on changing the way people view their television set?

How do we change their perception from 'the box where movement stops' to the place that encourages people to move'?

We take on the India's most popular and iconic taunt and spin it on its head.
“TV ke saamne bas baithe rahoge, kya?”
TV ke saamne bas baitho mat, thoda yoga karo - Don't just sit in front of the TV, do some yoga too.
We inspire people to get moving with Tata Sky Fitness by showing them the people they love watching on TV.
Re-targeted Banners amplifying our message
SMS Messages sent to existing users
Personalized emailers inviting existing users
Google Search Ads
Contextual Banners - Based on Interest 
The Call of Fitness | IVR activation
An activity, that gives people a call of fitness, but one made by some of their favourite celebs from television. And if they have true caller, then ever better, because we’ll be partnering with True caller to actually show the name of the celebs that are calling

Voice of Tarak Mehta:
TV ke saamne bas baithne ke din toh gaye…
Aaj kal toh log Zumba, Bollywood dance aur Yoga kartey hai.
TATA Sky pe fitness jo subscribe kar sakety ho sirf 59 rupaiyya mein…
Toh TV ke saamne bas baitho mat, thoda exercise bhi karo!
While your TV celebs have revealed what they do beyond just sitting in front of their TV, we also reveal something we’ve spotted. Something your TV screen has been trying to show you, subtly for very, very long….


An engagement-led piece where we ask people to spot the secret workouts that their television screens are showing them.
It all starts with a post that goes out from Tata Sky on social media. 

Post Copy:
Your TV screen’s been hiding a secret. And we think it looks a LOT like a workout. Think you can spot one? Share it with us to stand a chance to win a free TATA SKY Fitness subscription.

TATA Sky announces a contest, talking about how your TV has been trying to tell you something for a really long time.
There’s a workout hidden in every ad and tv show you watch and Tata Sky prompts you to find them to stand a chance to win a TS Fitness subscription. 

The Influencers:
Influencer script:

"Hey guys, so I came across this post by Tata Sky, that basically said that everyone you see on TV is secretly working out!
And that just blew my mind!
So I had to check this out. I feel like I’m unraveling a secret, showing it to you guys.
Here’s what you gotta do to find this hidden workout.
(She turns her TV on (we see Tata sky on screen, she switches to a random channel, and uses boomerang to capture an actor’s movement)
There you go guys, XYZ is exercising his wrists talking like that with actions in the air! 
The cats outta the bag!"

Since we are talking about a fitness channel subscription after all, we don’t just talk, we actually walk the talk as well. By creating a series of ads, that make people move.

Banners that make people move….
Gyroscope Controlled Banners
Mailers that make people move
Social Media Content that make people move…
Post copy: <clap emoji>  You just did a free trial with us. Come check out more workouts by celebrity trainers on Tata Sky Fitness. TV ke saamne bas baitho mat, thoda exercise bhi karo. 
Post copy: Loved this workout? Time to give yourself one too. TV ke saamne bas baitho mat, thoda stretching bhi karo.

Post Copy:
Now wasn’t that refreshing? More exercises on Tata Sky Fitness. Subscribe today, at Rs. 59/Month. TV ke saamne bas baitho mat, thoda workout bhi karo. 
Post Copy: Give your eyes a break! Stop staring, start moving. TV ke samne bus baitho mat, thoda workout bhi karo! More exercises on Tata Sky Fitness. Subscribe today, at Rs. 59/Month.
Instagram Stories
Channel 100
A Tata Sky real estate, open for us to do whatever we want to do.
And what does Tata sky active fitness want people to do?
Move of-course.

To do this, we create the glitchiest channel 100 ad ever…

Channel 100 gets stuck
And what do we do when our TV doesn’t work.
You hit the remote.
You move closer to the television set.
You start pointing it in different directions, while pressing the remote.
If you had to take a step back and look at, you’re literally moving in front of the television set.

Mission accomplished then!
We take it to Tik-Tok to create challenges that make people move, by doing mini-demos with our trainers.

A Tik-Tok based activation where we partner with the trainers who feature on Tata Sky fitness, to give a demo and actually invite people to work-out beside them. Or better than them.

How it works...
It starts with our instructors putting out a snippet of their workout and asking people to take up the challenge.
What are the kind of challenges?
-          The plank challenge
-          The Bollywood dance challenge
-          The masala bhangra challenge
Examples of enteries...
We even use our app to push people to move
Leveraging World Health Day 
Challenge page :
We’re getting the country to move together in front of their TV screens! Show us your favourite workout move and prove to every mom, dad, dada, daadi, that TV ke saamne hum sirf baitthe nahi, workout bhi karte ho! Aur aise kartey kartey recrd bhi bana saktey hai.
Leveraging World Yoga Day: Made of Aasanas
On world yoga day, we encourage people to continue moving, but this time we do it Yoga-style.
How it works: 
A social activation where we challenge people to put their own spin to Yoga and ask them to spell “YOGA” using only aasanas.

Tata Sky Fitness - Pitch


Tata Sky Fitness - Pitch
