

Avenue believes that everyone — regardless of physical, behavioural or intellectual ability, has the right to have a meaningful work life. The organisation acts as a revolutionary new model of co-working space, recognising all of society as participants in the workforce. Their spaces are beautifully designed, adaptive and functionally suitable for all people. Their business model harnesses the gig economy, fitting tasks around needs and abilities, assisted with adequate support. Any revenue generated is then shared equally amongst all participants. Avenue believes that every human has something to contribute and that contributing to society is a basic human right.

Avenue models inclusion in every detail within their four workspaces across Sydney. Its brand prioritises accessibility above all else, showcasing the true potential of AAA design accessibility standards. Accessible design is often seen as a box-ticking exercise, a compromise or childlike aesthetic. Avenue’s brand has been created to disprove the out-dated idea that accessible design and aesthetically appealing design are mutually exclusive. For too long, society has neglected and sidelined people with disability. Avenue declares proudly and boldly that that the opportunities of work aren't just for the able-bodied – they're for all.