Romen Mochammad's profile

Codility Golden Award for The OLX Group Challenge

Codility Golden Award for The OLX Group Challenge
This is one of Algorithm Challenges I took. This one is from Codility : The OLX Group Challenge. I managed to find the solution in O(N Log N) complexity. So it's quite scalable. And it was quite fun actually.

Here's the link to the Challenge :

Brief Description of the problem :

There are N glasses of different capacities, each of them containing a different amount of a unique kind of juice. Calculate the maximum number of kinds of juice that can be mixed in a single glass.

Golden Award Certificate
Problem Description and Score Result
Linear Time Complexity : O(N Log N)
Passed all scalability tests.
Codility Golden Award for The OLX Group Challenge

Codility Golden Award for The OLX Group Challenge
