Victoria's Secret - Package Design
Freelance work performed for Victoria's Secret where I worked with a small team of designers to develop a line of packaging for backless strapless bras, and pedals for women. The entire look based of of VS's Body By Victoria line.
Retail Design - Idea Planet + Cadbury Schweppes
I worked with Idea Planet on this project for Cadbury Schweppes in which I created concepts for a series of PDQ designs based around adventure and exercise lifestyles. The images shown are the realization of those ideas and were presented to the customer for the brand Accelerade.
Industrial Design - Pampered Chef & Anchor Hocking
This was a project that I worked on with another designer where we were trying to develop a dishwasher safe glass oil dipping container that allowed the user to infuse herbs with the oil. We also created nesting serving dishes with separate wells for vinaigrette and oil.
Industrial Design

Industrial Design

Industrial Design - I have a proven track record for design of all types. I am an observer, thinker, and problem solver no matter what medium it Read More
