Graphically installation
Projection Mapping Documentation

Graphically is an audiovisual installation, shown at Design Hub Gallery in November 2009 for my final year major project for RMIT. It uses video projection mapping to explore new ways of using digital media and to create new design solutions.

Incorporating architecture as a means for presentation, and as a way of anchoring and recontextualising visual data, video images are collocated over two pyramids positioned on a wall. Each side of the two pyramids simultaneously lights up with video textures, which follow an abstract narrative. The piece starts at a slow pace, the unfurling images suggesting a liquid form. As the piece builds momentum, the textures mapped on the triangles transform. These contrasting substances create new correlations between sound and image.

An exploration into alternative contexts for the moving image, Graphically includes both computer-generated and man-made visuals, thereby encouraging thought into the nature of the visual content and how it is produced.

Visuals, design, mapping: Hannah Gibson
Sound design: Chris Vik



Graphically is an audiovisual installation, shown at Design Hub Gallery in November 2009 for my final year major project for RMIT. It uses video Read More
