Chazelles Fireplaces's profile

Wood-burning Fireplaces


Chazelles Fireplaces, also known as Chazelles Cheminee, have been designing and manufacturing wood and gas fireplaces for over 20 years.

Chazelles Fireplaces, otherwise called Chazelles Cheminee, has been planning and assembling customary wood-burning fireplaces and gas-fueled fireplaces for more than 50 years. Our broad history of examination, plan, and advancement of the wood fireplace and gas fireplaces has brought about key item differential characteristics that position us in front of our rivals.
Circulated in excess of 38 nations, we are one of Europe’s most famous decisions for innovative fireplaces for private and business applications. In Australia, we have been working for a very long time and have developed an organization of merchants and showrooms in each state. Highlights, for example, the Chazelles Dual Opening Door System has demonstrated well known with engineers, inside originators, and mortgage holders.
Chazelles Fireplaces is a business with a rich history. Continue perusing tobecome familiar with the historical backdrop of our organization.

Contact Chazelles Fireplaces for Integration. To get in touch with our technical experts and have an obligation free discussion about your potentially game-changing wood-burning fireplaces application call 61295506290.
You can also go online to view more information surrounding Chazelles Fireplaces and what automatic platforms entail in more detail.

Hotline Support:
Available 24 hours a day: 61295506290

Business Hours:
Mon-Fri 9 am – 5 pm,
Sat 10 am – 2 pm

Office Address: 
Chazelles Fireplaces
396 Princes Highway St Peters, Sydney NSW – 2044, Australia

Brilliant Collection 
Uncommonly intended to warm enormous homes, the Radiant Collection of fireplaces has a great scope of highlights.
Inherent substantial cast iron with our serious assembling and designing innovation, the Radiant wood terminated radiators are sponsored by 10 years guarantee, making them a mainstream choice among our clients.
Consolidating feel and elite, wellbeing and effectiveness, they have made Chazelles a world chief among fireplace producers. Chazelles Fireplaces is an individual from the Australian Home Heating Association, and our fireplaces are Australian Standards endorsed. We are the most trusted and experienced organization to go to for an open air fireplace or indoor wood fireplace
Wood-burning Fireplaces

Wood-burning Fireplaces
