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You can sheer the world

You can sheer the world 
Through function and art, this shelf with mirror describes that everyone can make a difference in dark times, you can cheer the world.

In gloomy times, we created a functional product with a purpose. The scratched, angular and blunt aluminum plate symbolizes the darkness of the world and the shadow from the mirror symbolizes social isolation. Aluminum was chosen to get a natural raw feel.
The mirror was chosen to show that everyone can make a difference in these times. When a person reflects, it shows that that person can cheer up the world around him. The mirrored face then becomes the center of the product.
The plant shows that this is not the end, society and all individuals will grow back stronger. The plant is placed around the mirror to inaugurate hope in the isolated feeling that the shadow symbolizes.
You can sheer the world

You can sheer the world

Through function and art, this shelf with mirror describes that everyone can make a difference in dark times, you can cheer the world.
