The Influencer, Feb. 2022

This poster was a revised version of one of my older projects (below) from April 2020.

In redoing this piece almost two years later, I was thinking about the changing contexts of this poster, and the criticism I was intending to create with it.  In my older piece, I was critiquing Trump’s handling of the pandemic during the Spring of 2020, and calling out his inaction versus the number of cases and deaths in the United States at the time.  In the newer version, I thought it more relevant to take a broader approach and look at his social media as a platform for misinformation in general, relating to election “voter fraud” and to the pandemic as well.  I took away some of the tarot card ties, including the rounded edges and giant type, but kept the overall compositions similar.  I highlighted the phones as being a universal element, and leading to us seeing each other as simply retweets, or whatever we post online, rather than individuals and fellow people.  The color scheme of this piece is meant to feel more gloomy and dystopian than the previous one, reflecting the standstill in the political polarization online we see happening today.  Thinking about misinformation as greater than a single person, a single platform, or a single event helped drive these design choices throughout the process.

The Capitalist Tarot Card, April 2020
The Influencer


The Influencer

Project from 2020 and revised in 2022, posters created as a critique on Trump's handling of the pandemic and media misinformation, as portrayed t Read More
