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Portraits With a Purpose

Portraits With a Purpose
Assignment Description:

This creative assignment consists of a series of 3 portraits unified by purpose, composition, cropping, and the special effects applied. There must be a strong driving concept behind this series. Use the Photoshop techniques learned in this lesson to enhance the portraits in an appropriate way (determined by the purpose of your campaign). Unify the series by applying similar Photoshop effects to all of the portraits.
Take your own high-quality portrait series—OR source 3+ large, high-quality royalty-free, non-watermarked portraits with no attribution required. Portraits must be of humans (no animals). Portraits of famous people (celebrities) are protected and cannot be used for this assignment. Use three different people for your portraits, not three portraits of the same person.
In a new Behance Project, propose an original future print or web campaign where your portraits are the focal point. Be specific and detailed in your proposal—give this serious thought and don't be vague. Identify the specific effects and tutorials you employed in the creation of the unified series.

Pictured above left to right (my sister Heidi, my friend Tristin, and my boyfriend Jack)
 I call this series Fall Fun as Fall is my favorite time of the year. With the global pandemic going on, seasonal group activities are canceled left and right. With these images, I wanted to show that nature is still here and safe for us to enjoy the beauty of it. And that's something to smile about. From playing in leaves to taking a hike, there is an activity for everyone to enjoy safely.

The images are connected through this nature theme as well as the color theme. The matte effect tutorial help create the rich fall color pallet throughout the portraits,
To get this image to match the final above, I cropped out Jack because I wanted highlight my sister's pose and use Jack as another portrait. However, part of his face remained in the shot and I use content aware fill to get rid of his face (sorry Jack). I then use the spot healer tool to fix a couple problem areas in the leaves from the fill. These steps resulted in the second image. To achieve the coloring, I used a levels adjustment layer in RBG with darks at 53 middle Tones at 1.76 and whites at 218. I also used a Blue adjustment layer with darks at 37 middle Tones at 1.53 and whites at 224. This was one of the five ways show to achieve a matte effect in the tutorial. The effect turned out the best in this photo.

For Tristin's image, I cropped the image to get rid of repeated information. I followed the same process of creating a matte effect as before but, I also needed a red level to obtain the same coloring in Heidi's image. The setting were darks 11, middle tones at 1.22 and whites at 247. In this portrait  the purple/reddish hues contrasts well with the yellow grass.
For Jack's image, I had to do a few more basic adjustments such as brightness/contrast and hue/saturation before creating the levels layer. This was the same process as the Tristin's image by adjusting the RGB, Blue and Red levels. To help brighten up underneath his eyes, I used the Dodge tool. It helped slightly. In Jack's final image the purple hue's instead contrast with the golden husks of corn field.

All images are taken by Nessa Reyna and are subject to copyright 2020.
Portraits With a Purpose

Portraits With a Purpose
