Woodland photos taken between 2020 and 2021 in the Chess Valley, Dancersend, and Pitstone Fen, United Kingdom. 
Fly agaric, Amersham front garden, 2021
Magpie inkcap, Sarratt Bottom, 2021
Parasol, Sarratt Bottom, 2021
Pitstone Fen, 2020
Turkey tail, Dancersend, 2020
Blackthorn tree with sloes, Dancersend, 2020
White saddle, Dancersend, 2020
Porcelain, Sarratt Bottom, 2020
Bracket fungus, Pitstone Fen, 2020
Sarratt Bottom, 2020
Chess Valley Walk, near Chenies, 2020
Dancersend, 2020
Autumn Woodlands

Autumn Woodlands

Mainly mushrooms and berries from local woodlands in the Chilterns and Buckinghamshire, England.
