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The Rational Machine: Overture / styleframes

Are city built for humans, or are we adapting to fit in their shape?

The Rational Machine is a visual reflection on how humans connect with each other within the structure of a megalopolis.

Especially during a pandemic, the immediate surroundings of many of us feel like an endless cityscape.

The patterns of the city mirror the structure of the hivemind we collectively created across our social evolution.

Does this configuration still serve us, or are we enabling a system which profits off human productivity while disregarding our more human needs?

Its shape, physical and metaphorical, appears clearer than ever now that we largely avoid taking advantage of what it offers.

In its new bare appearance, the machine we inhabit looks emptier, and we are left to contemplate the complexity we generated to satisfy our innate need for connection.

The Rational Machine: Overture / styleframes

The Rational Machine: Overture / styleframes
