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In simple language, one can refer to financial literacy as the study of managing finances. Financial Literacy Board Games are very helpful for every generation so that people can learn while playing the game.

One would learn about how to manage and use their money so as to save it and spend it all well but in a wise way. Where financial literacy is said to be the crucial most study chapter for kids, similar is said to be for the adults as well. Financial literacy is given that much importance, as it explains to its learners the value and importance of saving and spending money so that they do not face any trouble in managing their money.

These days, practitioners pay more focus and attention to providing financial literacy to the kids, so that they can learn to manage their expenses from an early age, which would help them to implement the same at a very young age and would not make them fall in any money related issues or problems in the future.

The concept of financial literacy is introduced to children through a lot of mediums. As its a totally new learning subject for kids, mentors apply various methods to keep the subject interesting for them in such a way they learn and enjoy it as well. Financial literacy is mentioned to kids by the following means

1. Courses
2. Game

Courses -
A lot of courses and study material had been formed, especially to impart the knowledge of financial literacy to the kids. Some of the financial literacy courses just include theoretical knowledge and mathematics to make them learn, whereas most of the financial literacy courses provide the knowledge to the children, with the help of study material which includes theoretical study and practical study as well.

There are a lot of courses available out there, where parents can get their kin enrolled in. Also, there is some special subject curated for the same at schools, in order to guide the students about the same. There are online, as well as offline courses available for the same.

Games -

Parents or mentors use games as well to teach financial literacy to the kids. As there are already, thousands of games out there, which help in imparting the knowledge to the kids.
One can use financial literacy board games and outdoor games as well, to make the learning process enjoyable and fun for the kids. Here’s down the list of some financial literacy board games -

i. Monopoly: Monopoly, is one of the well- known board games. This board game is available in almost every country and comes in a number of languages as well. Around 2–6 people can play the game.
ii. Payday: Payday is a game, where one can learn to manage their expenses on a monthly basis. Its a game, where players get a 31 days calendar and it’s hard to deal with various expenses for over a month. Around 2–4 people can play this game.



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