First Page (Cover Page):
Firstly, I have placed the logo of the magazine which is UFC at the top left corner in order for the reader to notice it easily and the color of the logo is in a gray color as it makes contrast with the grayish white background and the volume, issue, date and price is placed at the top right corner in a yellowish, small font size to avoid the cover page to be overcrowded. Also, I have added the text FIGHTERS ONLY in a gray and dark red color to make contrast with the background color and also I have added to the effect known as ARCH as it looks more appealing by applying it and in the background there is an Eagle as most of the mixed martial artists in UFC have an animal that symbolizes them and the eagle represent khabib and I have added the Russian flag at the bottom left corner as khabib is Russian and I have chosen this photo of khabib to place it on the cover page as this is his most known position before his fight starts.

Second Page (Table of content & Editor’s Note):
Firstly, the logo of the magazine UFC is placed in a strong red color in order to make contrast with the background and then I (writer) introduced myself to the readers and also left my email to them because if they have any inquiries. Then I taught them the meaning of MMA and UFC to make sure that the reader knows and understands what he reads. In addition, the table of content is designed in the form of rectangular blocks with a grey shade and red frame except for the main article is placed inside the biggest rectangular block with a black frame and there is an eagle placed as a design which is corelated with the eagle present on the coverage.

Third Page (Article 1):
I have decided to write the title in a red color with a black stroke except for the name of the organization UFC is written in a black color with a black stroke to be more noticeable and the first letter of the article is written in a red color with a black stroke as a design and I have decided to add some information about the fighter who have been arrested.  

Fourth Page (Gatorade Advertisement):
I have chosen to make an advertisement about Gatorade as it is an energy-related drink and many UFC fighters use such drinks and I have decided to give a description of the ingredients and the  benefits of drinking it after training to persuade fighters to buy Gatorade and decided to add the picture of a black jaguar with the slogan beside it DRINK IT AND HUNT in a greyish font with an orange stroke as it makes a contrast with the black background.

Fifth Page (ARTICLE 2):
To begin with, I have decided to write the title in a red color with a black stroke except for the name of the organization UFC is written in a black color with a black stroke to be more noticeable and the first letter of the article is written in a red color with a black stroke as a design and I have decide to add a grey shade beside the second paragraph to grab the attention of the reader as it is mentioning the tremendously astonishing  UFC record of Cerrone.

Sixth Page & Seventh page (Main Article):
Firstly, these two pages are the only pages with a black background in order to make them  more special than the ordinary pages containing the articles and in the sixth Page I have added a  picture that I made on photoshop of The Russian Fighter KHABIB NURMAGOMEDOV with an eagle on his shoulder with a golden frame to look more attractive and eye-catchy and the title “THE DEVELOPMENT OF A LEGEND”  as the article is telling the journey of the first Muslim champion in the UFC and in the same page I have written a paragraph in a golden color making contrast with the golden frame and the black background.
Secondly, the seventh page contains two main titles FIGHTING STYLE and EARLY LIFE where I decided to write FIGHTING STYLE in a white font and yellow stroke matching the color of the frame of the picture beside it. Moreover, EARLY LIFE is written in a white color with a red stroke matching the color of the frame of the picture beside it. Both colors of both titles give the article an appealing look.

I have chosen a white and black back ground as it is more eye-catchy and I have written the slogan “GREATNESS WITH IN THE GLOVES” to encourage young fighters to wear Everlast gloves in order to be great like MCREGOR and also I have written “STRONGER PUNCH FASTER KNOCKOUT” which will make other fighters enthusiastic to try them because knockout is the best way to finish a match.
Ninth Page (Article 4):
To begin with, I have decided to write the title in a red color with a black stroke except for the name of the organization UFC is written in a black color with a black stroke to be more noticeable and the first letter of the article is written in a red color with a black stroke as a design and I have decide to add  a grey shade beside the second paragraph to grab the attention of the reader as it is mentioning the main aim of this article and also I have added the picture of Adesanya and the text is wrapped around him to make the reader feel the words which is coming from his own mouth.
TENTH PAGE (Reebok Advertisement):
I have chosen to make an advertisement about reebok as the UFC fighters are wearing reebok shorts while fighting in official matches. In the ad I have decided to give the viewers the reason why reebok is being wore by the UFC fighters.

Eleventh Page (Article 5):
To begin with, I have decided to write the title in a red color with a black stroke except for the name of the organization UFC is written in a black color with a black stroke to be more noticeable and the first letter of the article is written in a red color with a black stroke as a design and the pictures chosen are related to title of the article.

Last Page (Back Cover Page):
On the back cover page I have decided to add a quote by the fighter appearing on the front cover page and beside it I decided to add an eagle showing that khabib means by his words is that he is ready to hunt down Conor Mcregor and The UFC logo is placed at the middle to be the first thing that the readers notice and is written in Red color to make contrast with the background. Scanning the QR code will allow you to vote for your fighter.

Page Format:
Every page is having the same background color except for the main pages to make them more attractive and the advertisements and the text is written in a times new roman font which is a formal font as the magazine is not childish and the page number is written in the bottom right corner in a black font as it contrast with the background color except for the main pages is written in a golden font as it is special.

The main topic theme and the reason behind choosing it:
 The main theme is MMA as it’s the Umbrella and under it comes organizations such as UFC, Bellatroma and One Championship etc. However, UFC is the most famous organization among them and I have chosen this topic as MMA is not popular or encouraged in Egypt so I wanted to grab people’s attention towards this sport.
My Magazine (UFC)


My Magazine (UFC)
