“Walls have ears.
Doors have eyes.
Trees have voices.
Beasts tell lies.
Beware the rain.
Beware the snow.
Beware the man
You think you know
Ganas, P. (2020). Sin título. [Imagen]. Pexels. Sitio web: https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/naturaleza-verano-animal-transparente-4105622/ 
Pornfree. (2015). Sin título. [Imagen]. Pixabay. Sitio web: https://pixabay.com/photos/man-michael-gehlert-boss-influencer-852766/ 
Buscher, N. (2020). The deafening silence. [Imagen]. Unsplash. Sitio web: https://unsplash.com/photos/f2feIgqsIXY 

Beware the man

Beware the man
