Infographic , Poster
Designed by Kris Ardrey. 2022. Affinity Design, Affinity Photo, Clip Studio

We've all heard of Dune, the Frank Herbert's masterpiece, and if you're here it's because you've already read a book or seen the films and want more, much more!

This is where we come into the game. We have created a poster that organizes all the books by sagas and years, and years within the saga, with lots of information about the world of Arrakis, the spice and the worms.
If you like Dune this is your poster, the spectacular design made by Kris Ardrey, the quality of the paper and the printing in high definition will leave you without words.

“The mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.”

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Dune Universe


Dune Universe
