Lamp, diya, router, stool, sewing machine

The work ‘Other life’ explores the object in themselves. It examines the inner reality which is intangible and invisible to human perception. The objects are brought to the center of study and independent of human subjectivity which is core concept of object-oriented ontology (OOO). The work creates a curtain framework to understand their existence and its relation to other objects, germinating through the theory of OOO, Panpsychism and Immanuel Kant’s philosophy.  It draws the common line between those philosophy which interrelate them and form the space for artistic expression to render an object to its autonomous being in relation to the human consciousness.
Objects are given a narrative through the subjectivity of perception. This subjectivity of perception is what hits the outside of the object, however within the object is the thing. This thing, or rather thingness, is what is in dialogue with other objects when placed in close proximity. It can sometimes alter or challenge the subjectivity of perception, but ultimately it is a ‘life’ or being that is external to our own. An energy sitting within the atomic core of an object, this is to not anthropomorphizing of an object, but rather acknowledge its autonomous being in relation to the human consciousness. They do have an existence which is a life. This life is using atoms as a means of communication and living, this is the inner qualities of an object. The work tries to explore the consciousness of objects that resides in it and understand the object deeper than what it appears. The work is supported by the theory of Object-Oriented Ontology and Panpsychism which is leading in the contemporary world.
Other Life

Other Life


Creative Fields