Week 3 A Comic Strip Exercise 
Strip from a school camp at Girraween 

TECHNIQUE: Hatching and stippling graphite pencil and fine-liner pens
PROCESS: First of all, the layout was sketched with a pencil very lightly then followed up with a 0.2 fineliner. Once the basic lines were finished I began adding shading on the sides of the mountains and in the sky. Stippling and hatching were used to create some shading however not super realistic to maintain the look of a comic. Lastly I went in with the pencil to darken the field and added some bold darker lines with a 0.4 fineliner to create some contrast. 
REFLECTION:  For the story, I added the time of day and the estimated temperature at the time, as I remember how much it would change throughout the day. The first panel was inspired by the mountain ranges that could be seen while walking along the various tracks available and I believe that that comic style really suited the scenery. 
TECHNIQUE: Hatching and stippling graphite pencil and fine-liner pens
PROCESS: A similar process was followed like the previous image with beginning with light rough sketches and then refining the forms with a 0.2 fineliner. This panel did not overly consist of much detail and shading, however i did use the pencil to colour the grass and a 0.4 fineliner to make the key elements stand out more. 
REFLECTION:  Initially I started sketching out tents that were more detailed and represented far closer to what they actually looked like on the school camp, however if found it difficult to do this due to perspective. I also struggled with drawing myself. I wanted to draw myself doing a typical stretch but i'm not sure if that came across very successfully. I do like the other figures in this drawing as the rock in the background was one i spent a fair amount of time sitting on and the logs were also fun to walk along, so sketching this panel brought back some fun memories for me. 
12 PM | 20 DEGREES
TECHNIQUE: Hatching and stippling graphite pencil and fine-liner pens
PROCESS: This panel required far more light sketching in order to get the legs correct. Since there was no large open field I coloured in the trees with pencil and used similar techniques for the shading on the mountains. The hatching technique was then used to show the shadows on the legs and the creases in the pants. I placed most of the emphasis on the figure by adding bold outlines. 
REFLECTION: I'm very happy with the layout of the panel because i managed to avoid drawing all of the figure while also making it look natural. Possibly could have put more effort into the trees and even cleaning up the image by erasing some of the really sketchy pencil lines. 
TECHNIQUE: Hatching and stippling graphite pencil and fine-liner pens
PROCESS: This panel most likely took the most amount of time because i played with the layout various times before finalising on this one. Initially I tried to include another person in the image, but I decided against it. Once there was a confirmed composition, I went in with the finer pen and started drawing in the figure and minimalist details in the surrounding scenery. 
REFLECTION:  The scene depicted was on top of the highest mountain where most of what could be seen was forest, but I was not sure how to draw that so I stuck with mountains. I prefer the simplicity of this layout compared to the others as I communicates the serenity of the view. 
TECHNIQUE: Hatching and stippling graphite pencil and fine-liner pens
PROCESS: This image was also one where I played around with the layout various times before deciding on one because the original plan did not work out. Because the scene is set at night i had to use more shading to create darker shadows. I only used the 0.4 fineliner to outline the body from the dark background inside the tent and pencil was used to darken all of the ground. 
REFLECTION: I'm not overly happy with this panel as it did not turn out as I had planned, but I am happy with the fire and the background. Most of all I am pleased with the way the sleeping bag looks as I spent a fair amount of time trying to get it right. 

