Probability Juices is a company that makes juices which are sold in supermarkets, coffee shops, restaurants and various other outlets. Finding themselves in the competitive soft drinks market, Probability pride themselves on using the freshest ingredients in their high quality products.
What did they need?

Operating in a highly competitive market, Probability needed a new logo and visual identity to help them stand out. Using only the freshest ingredients, they wanted to have a minimalistic design with a handmade feel. They also wanted to communicate the fact they were consistent with their products quality and put love and care into its production.

Type: I created an abstract mark for Probability. The reason I chose this type of design was due to the logo appearing on their products (bottles). As bottles typically only allow for a small design, an abstract mark would work well as it can condense the brand into a single recognisable image.
Design: As a producer of low-calorie, fresh soft drinks, I used lighter/thinner elements and round/softer edges to reflect this. Probability in mathematics can also be depicted in numerous ways - one of which is a percentage which I also incorporated into the design. Finally to support the marks identification of Probability as a maker of fruit juices, I added eight pips to mimic a halved fruit .

Colours: As a producer of fresh juice drinks, I wanted to use a colour which communicated a messaged of freshness and helped the consumer associate the brand with nature. I also used an off-white (White Linen) to help add to the rustic/handmade feel they wanted to communicate.
Typeface: The Probability brand uses the font HiraMaruPro W4. I wanted to use a font with round/soft edges to match that of the ‘P’ in the logo. With juice drinks also being a popular choice with Children, the HiraMaruPro W4 font is an easy to read, warm and friendly looking typeface which should appeal.

