"Me"– Video Assignment

"Me" is a story about two friends, one, popular, daring and impulsive; the other, timid and shy, but rational. After hearing a rumour about a murder which took place without the killer being found, the daring girl decides to drag her friend with her to explore the abandoned place. Her friend, reluctant since the beginning, eventually tries to leave, but not before they both get into a fight. In the midst of the fight, someone suspicious approaches them and the daring one, not so daring anymore, flees the scene and leaves her friend for dead. In the end, her guilty conscience was too much of a burden and she ends up killing herself out of grief. 

Scriptwriter & Sound Editor– Emily Yong
Cinematography Director– Choy Shin Ni
Video Editor– Bridget Seah
Cast– Emily Yong, Choy Shin Ni, Bridget Seah
"Me"– Video Assignment

"Me"– Video Assignment
