Hold The Fort

As believers, we believe in the forces of good and evil. Across the world, every country faces the same threat. The evil ones are seeking to steal, kill and destroy, to take away what the Lord had given to us and to corrupt our society.

If we look around the world today, we see how easy and quickly a good city can fall - Singapore has no immunity. Over the years, we see these forces of evil at work, trying their best to gain a foothold into Singapore. Through political campaigns, arts and entertainment and media, seeds of rebellion and hatred have been sowed into our society. They challenge our stance on drugs abuse, the death penalty, our pro-family and pro-life values; in the name of human rights, justice and love.

The war has already been won. And it is up to us to defend that victory, to hold the fort of what has already been achieved and given as we await the return of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Hold The Fort

Hold The Fort
