Sophie Crook's profileJoshua Molachino's profile

Kids Help Line - Design for Impact

Meet Max!
Max is a teenage boy who struggles with his mental health, he struggles with balancing his school life with pressures from his single Mum. His Mum asks that he finds a job because he's hopeless at school anyway and she struggles to pay the bills. These pressures are the reality for many students across Australia in disadvantaged communities. Impactful change is needed. 

How can we ensure more teenage boys reach out for help from Kids Help Line? 
Our Solution...
A free radio station called HRU 102.9, 'It All Starts With You' catch phrase subtly encourages and promotes youth to seek help when they need to without having negative societal norms attached. Our hope is to normalise teens to speak out about their mental health, on 102.9 they will be able to relate to their idols and will realise its ok to not be ok
The top pop hits are played to encourage teenagers to listen and frequent podcasts are played with celebrities and influences where they talk about their past mental health experiences. 
Storyboarding this impact...
My teams entire Miro Board design process below. 
Team Members
Kids Help Line - Design for Impact

Project Made For

Kids Help Line - Design for Impact


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