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Vegan Tour in Ukraine | Illustration

Illustrations for the crowdfunding campaign
for a vegan educational tour in Ukraine.
cover for project 
Map of Ukraine with marks of cities where the tour will be
"In 2020 our team is organizing a vegan tour to the 12 biggest cities in Ukraine to spread vegan and animal rights messages and inspire people to go vegan and to take steps to save animals and our planet In each city we will have:

– a lecture about veganism (ethics, the environment and health)
– a Dominion screening,
– free vegan taste-testing,
– a Cube of Truth event,
– street outreach with virtual reality glasses showing animal agriculture reality,
– training for volunteers and activists."

More about NGO Every Animal >>

Vegan Tour in Ukraine | Illustration

Vegan Tour in Ukraine | Illustration

Illustrations for the crowdfunding campaign for a vegan educational tour in Ukraine.
