Lux Naut's profile


Caeluminterterram | Spring '19 | Electronics, Arduino, Adobe Illustrator

Caeluminterterram, a portmanteau of the Latin words for "heaven and earth", was a piece created by Tasha Romero, Riley Culver, Shelly Benally, and myself in light of our visit to Roden Crater in Northern Arizona on Hopi land. James Turrell, a light sculpture and artist, invited us as a collective to the beautiful location to see what he had created. While photography was strictly limited, we were able to take the pictures of the surrounding Painted Dessert which we then translated to a shifting color scheme. This piece is a suspended sculpture, a simple topographical map of the crater that uses the landscape and natural colors of the sky as a source for the colors which illuminate it.

A full artist statement and final report can be found here.

