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Thomas Hopper | Woodcarving

Thomas Hopper
That's his name!
I took up woodcarving on a whim this summer, figuring it would be the perfect time to indulge in a new obsession, and honestly, it's been greater than I could ever have imagined. 

I've always loved the image of the artisan at their workbench, hunched over their latest project, tools scattered about and on the walls, creating unique objects that could be loved and bring joy to whomever they find their hands in. In that sense, it seems almost fated that I would take up woodcarving and carve out the start of my very own workshop.
Thomas Hopper, the train hopping frog.
I used to go to the local library as a kid, and they had this huge dollhouse displayed in a glass case in a corner. I'd spend a lot of time looking in each of the rooms, vividly imagining scenarios and wishing for a dollhouse of my own. Of course, I never got one, and I didn't even have to ask to know my parents wouldn't get me one, so I did the next best thing: I made my own.
Ah...what a view...
We had just moved into a new house so there were lots of empty rooms. I took one and started my project. I didn't build a dollhouse per se. Rather, I built a sprawling neighborhood that covered most of the floor of that room. I spent entire days building my little world. There were houses with sloped roofs, picket fences, windows to look into the furnished rooms; I even made little inhabitants for each house. Obviously it didn't look great with my child dexterity and construction paper held together with tape, but it sure was fun and kept the little hamster in my head running.

Then some construction workers trashed the entire thing and that was the start of the Dark Ages, but we won't delve into that.
Hat with adjustable strings, so he can wear it!
My parents were also furiously protective and overbearing, so it only made sense that I developed a fascination for dangerously sharp things, right? But! it feeds well into why I love woodcarving! I can create solid pieces that are part of an imaginary world...but with knives! Very cathartic.
Turntables - every angle is his good angle!
And the best part is...
This is his closeup moment! Also, can you believe that flower fit PERFECTLY into his hand?? one is allowed to throw away my stuff anymore!
Check out what he's carrying in his bindle!
Thanks for reading, enjoy more pictures of Hopper! Work in progress section is up ahead.
Work In Progress of Mr. Hopper
Blocking in the large shapes.
Brought him over to a friend who had a very good but unfortunately scrapped idea for his eyes.
Detailing, and the second version I attempted of his hat, which gave him luscious hair.
Painted, and comparing which bit of grass would be best for his mouth.
The End!
instagram @ecilagan
Thomas Hopper | Woodcarving

Thomas Hopper | Woodcarving

Thomas Hopper, a wooden, hand carved frog who travels countries by train hopping.
