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Creating an instrument using machine learning

creating an instrument using machine learning

the system uses Iphone’s accelerometer and rotation data to control on continuous real-time FM synthesis and one classified drum machine which is written in processing and chuck. I used an app to send my Iphone’s accelerometer data over wifi to my laptop. for the first project, it contains Neural Networks between training points and orientations for each of the 3 outputs from processing and with just a few training data set, it created an usable instrument. in the final analysis, while the phone is standing still, the sound is more regular. when the phone starts to move around, the sound becomes more enthusiastic.

additionally, I’ve been taking online courses relating to python, python with machine learning and machine learning for musicians and artist. course instructor, rebecca fiebrink is a lecturer in computing at Princeton University and developer of the wekinator system and I appreciate her guidance and help

Creating an instrument using machine learning


Creating an instrument using machine learning
