Hiding In Plain Sight

You wear a mask for so long,
you forget who you were beneath it.
~ Alan Moore

Whatwill you wear today?
Be Yourself
There are many roles
you can play in life,
but you know there is
one role you must play:
To Be Yourself.

Love All Of You

There are many expressions of you.
And there is the onenever-changing-ever-present
you overseeingthe show.

Not until we are lost do we
beginto understand ourselves.
~Henry David Thoreau
A World Of My Own Making

The main thing in one’s
own private worldis to try
to laugh as much as you cry.
— Maya Angelou
Mirror Image

Are my actions reflecting my values?

At its essence, art is an alchemical process.
Alchemy is a process of transformation.

Julia Cameron
Who Am I?

Apart from the whole?
Part of the whole?
The answer changes who I am.

Behind every mask, a story.
Behind every story, a being having an experience.

Here I go again.
So far so good.
That’s not good.
No! Not that!
Oy vey!
Here I go again.
Norma's World

Norma's World


Creative Fields