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Hat knitting Campaign

DISCLAIMER: This project has no connection to SAVE THE CHILDREN. This is purely study work  and was not created for profit or to rival the original company's brand or logo.
Save the Children has started the ‘Hat Knitting Campaign’ in South Korea 2007 and is continuing the 6th season this year with United States, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, Australia and Hong Kong. 
The ‘Hat Knitting Campaign’ is not only a donation type of giving. Instead it holds great significance for settling a new type of contribution culture-giving by making by the hand. Also in the hat knitting kit cost, along with the cost for the kit, there is also a donation included to sponsor foreign nutrition business. When you buy the kit, you can donate and knit the hat and contribute it. Since in this campaign, you can contribute twice, the fact that the happiness will be twice is something that makes ‘Hat Knitting Campaign’ different with other volunteers. 
Object: make the creation  for network world for the next  Hat Knitting Campaign.
Hat knitting Campaign

Hat knitting Campaign

이 프로젝트는 세이브더칠드런-신생아 모자뜨기캠페인을 위하여 손으로 사랑을 만들어 나누자라는 주제로 구상한 프로젝트입니다 손뜨기라는 소재를 이용하여 사람과 사람들의 많은 손길이 연결되면 사랑이 되어 신생아를 살린다는 것을 표현하고자 하였습니다.
