A Soviet nuclear submarine base, inside a volcano crater, on a remote island in the northwest Pacific Ocean!
Sounds like some fantasy out of a Bond-movie, doesn't it?

But the place really exists - on the tiny island of Simushir in the archipelago of the Kuriles north of Japan.
The base was established in 1978, and abandoned in 1994. Around 3000 people, even families, lived here in apartment buildings, with shops, schools and a hospital, overlooking the flooded volcano crater, where three nuclear submarines were anchored - always on alert during the cold war.
Today the place is very peaceful. Nobody lives here anymore, except tiny birds nesting in the ruins and flowers, even orchids, growing in crevices.
The leftovers from the Humans are slowly but surely rusting and crumbling away.
Mother Nature is taking back her belongings...

Thank you for watching 😉


