Azaz Afzal's profile

GFL: VR Solar System

Game for Love: Solar System VR Project

GFL is a Non-Profit organisation for the purpose of easing the suffering of children in life-threatening conditions and, contribute towards building a sustainable financial future for them.

My role with the community and what was my main task?

Like everyone else within the community we were split into teams and each of us had a different task from each other, so my task was to create assets and scripts for the project as well as UV layouts and custom textures, I also picked up new tools I learnt such as using Unity Hub and Github (which I used briefly in the past) which helped me learnt a lot of how the industry works despite being a voluntary position.

What was the project about?
I was tasked by my director to create a solar system for the players to interact with such as moving planets around in a style of a basketball game or pool, however this also utilises VR to make the experience more immersive.

The initial concept that was given to me as a reference for my game scene
The Sun (along with the asteroid belt) I modelled on Maya for my Unity Project (however it was not compatible with the project due to difference in software so I had to make a fresh start in the project.
I created a script on my sun to give life to the texture added to it like how the surface of the sun moves, I also attached the same script on the other plants but with different angles each of the planet's surface moves
To make my solar system accurate I was learning about the rotations of the planet to adjust the input of script hence the float option added 
Next I added a script to my sun to spawn out an asteroid belt, the trick here is that I added the same script twice based on the concept which had two belts further apart
For this script, it was attached to the asteroid prefab to be called out and orbit around the sun  
This script was also attached to the asteroid prefab to move randomly like in space and also collide with each other objects just like asteroids in real life.
The third part of my progress was creating a script for my planets to orbit around the sun had trial and error until I realised with so many tutorials I managed to make my own script with the knowledge given to me
Initially the script did not have a float option when learning this and because I learnt it from my surface script, so I incorporated it in here so I can save time not only not having to create several more scripts for different planets but also allows me to adjust the orbiting speed with ease.
Following the diagram, I adjusted the orbiting speed of each planet to stay accurate i.e. the closer the planet is to the sun, the more faster it orbit.
Testing out the first-person controller that I implemented
I have also allowed the player to pickup any planet and when they take it near to the sun, it destroys the object.
GFL: VR Solar System

GFL: VR Solar System
