I was going to start this series later but the world told me this is the time. I decided to draw a series of characters. 7 deathly sins with faces of people who we see in Russia day by day. As I saw, our brothers from Belarus have the same problems but much worse. So the first character is Wrath. It surrounds us even if it's hidden behind the mask of happiness and benevolence. It isn't exactly Russian so I have named it Seven Slavic Sins. Or just SSS. I drew it with pain inside of me after watching videos from Belarus. Other artworks will be much later, I just can't get calm right now and draw another ones. The next Images will be positive but I just had to draw this. Live in peace friends. Run from violence if you can't stop it. It's not a shame. All your lives are important. Remember it.
SSS. Wrath.