‘LIGHT=SHADOW’ is one of the three laser cutting projects in the ‘Body. Mind. Spirit.’ series. The concept behind this specific project is to represent the idea of the ‘mind’ in a form of body adornment.
Necklaces are special because it is a form of jewelry that is closest to our heart. Inspired by the wooden architectures that I saw in Japan, I created this neck/body piece to illustrate the idea of how light and darkness coexists not only in nature, but also in our mind. The brighter the light is, the darker the shadow will be. The point of life is not to find ways to get rid of the shadows, but to learn how to coexist with it.
As the tension of the string connects and holds up each individual shape and memories, the shadow casted on the paper enriches and completes the piece.
As a designer, I love to explore multiple ways to wear and present my work. My designs tend to evolve and change through the process of making. Instead of just being a piece of art work, I want to create flexible designs that people can interact and have fun with. 
Here is a slideshow of different ways to wear the piece…
Special Thanks To...
Photographer: Matthew Clowney.
Model: Amelia Chen.


capturing the shadow in the light...
