Daniel Vargas's profile

Spatial Communications - Daniel Diary - AS3

Week 7 - Session A
Isle of Dogs directed by Wes Anderson
Week 7 - Session B Life Aquatic
Lab Session
Section & Plan
Post Session B - Scene I chosen from the film
A first attempt to recreate the scene. The scene is significant because it shows a good view of the angle and the architectural elements of the streets such as the theatre and the residental homes on the sides. 
Week 8 - Session A
Left - 3D Model Scene
Right - Taxonomy
Week 8 - Session B
'Theatre Night Ending Scene'
This scene displays a wrap up of the character arc in this case Steve Zissou.  
Scene Analysis 
In my scene is the theatre night ending scene. This scene is what I believed to be an outcome for Steve’s character development from and anger, self-eccentric person to a regret and a more conscience self-awareness. This scene reflect on the theme of sadness but hopeful. This scene was introduced similar in the beginning of the film but the outcome of that shows a sense of sadness and distraught where Steve was angry, annoyed and was in a fist fight. In this end scene reveals the heavy reflection of himself about his journey and the accomplishment he achieved but not in way that he imagined.
Left to right
This scene can be seen here on the site plan and section. The plan shows the site with buildings placements positions in various angles and the indication of where Steve and the crowd are located where the action takes place. The section shows the left side of the scene, this section contains buildings standing in an unusual angle due to the building’s different positions. Nonetheless in the First scene, we can see this is a full shot at a low angle set in movie premier event. We can see the candles that is along with the red carpet that descends down to the lower area streets. Also, we see him sitting on a red carpet and smoking a joint by himself with a gold plated barracuda statuette beside while the media watches him. 

In the second scene show a kid who came out the theatre and accompanies with Steve.
With full shot once but taken at higher angle. The reason why Steve is left alone because in his journey Steve’s son was killed in a helicopter crash and this kid was a reminder to him of his son.

And so, continues in the third scene with full body shot in a lower angle once more, on this Steve gave his son’s ring to the boy and said “Ho” with the boy replied back “Ho”. This passing of the ring may suggest that he may decide to move on because of his son’s death and the closure of his journey.

In the fourth and last scene both Steve and the boy exited the place when theatre doors burst open, in this we can see full body shot at a low angle and a better view of the streets. The non-diagetic music plays in the background, huge crowd, various lightings such as streetlamps and photographers flashes. Together the two exited the place and walked through streets with the film begins to roll on credits.   
Red highlight - Adventure an opening to new beginnings for Steve Zissou
Spatial Communications - Daniel Diary - AS3

Spatial Communications - Daniel Diary - AS3
