Charlotte Young's profile

DVB102 - Dress Up Day? - Week 3 (Storytelling)

Week 3: Storytelling
Title of Work: Dress Up Day?
Techniques Used: Solid lines, line weight
Tools: Black fine line pen, ruler, pencil
Process: I began this weeks image making task by planning how I could effectively use each panel to communicate a specific part of my story. I knew I wanted to illustrate my story in a playful, cartoon way to reflect its humorous and young nature. When I began with my first panel, I first sketch out the kindergarten background and included some key characters in my story. I outlined my sketch in black pen and decided that I really liked the simple line drawing. I pushed my pen techniques by increasing the line weight in specific areas to give a more 3D and finished look. I repeated this with the other panels and even experimented with split some panels to show a quick thought/action, which turned out being quite effective. 
Reflection: Once I finished each panel I was very happy with my product and even added an extra box at the top for a title. I think my line weight worked quite well and the layout of my panels were able to communicate the story well. I think I could further improve this by experimenting further with shadows and colour.
DVB102 - Dress Up Day? - Week 3 (Storytelling)

DVB102 - Dress Up Day? - Week 3 (Storytelling)


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