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Dental caries (cavities)

what are dental caries? what causes dental caries and how they can be prevented?

Dental caries is also called cavities and tooth decay, which is one of the most common health problems among the world and the most preventable too. When we eat any food, the bacteria on our teeth break down the food particles and produce acids that can be able to damage the tissue of our tooth. And that's how dental caries (cavities) form. In the beginning, the cavities start small and gradually they get larger and affect deeper layers of our teeth if left untreated. They can lead to serious toothache, infections, or may be tooth loss. Typically, cavities can be found in two specific areas of teeth – occlusal caries, which occurs on the top of the tooth where food particles come in direct contact of teeth and the second is interproximal caries, it occurs between the teeth.

Symptoms of dental caries (Cavities):

The symptoms of dental caries or cavities may vary, depending upon the location and extent. When dental caries at its beginning you may not see any symptoms as the decay become larger it starts showing its symptoms:

i. Toothache, spontaneous pain in the tooth without any apparent cause.
ii. Low to sharp pain while eating or drinking something ice-cold, sweet, or hot.
iii. Pits and holes in your teeth.
iv. White, Brown, and black stain on any surface your teeth.
v. Pain in your tooth when you bite food.
vi. Sensitivity in teeth.

What causes tooth decay?

Cavities are caused by plaque. A sticky substance that sticks to the teeth and it's a combination of

*Food particles

After eating foods and drinking everyone gets bacteria in their mouth. Bacteria in your mouth turn sugar into acid and plaque starts to form on the surface of the teeth.

Almost everyone is at a risk for cavities but some people have a higher risk due to:

*Eating too many sugary foods and drinks 
*Having poor dental hygiene
*Dry mouth
*Acid reflux problem, which can decay your tooth enamel due to stomach acid comes in the mouth during acid reflux.
*Eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia.
*Not having enough fluoride.

Treatment option for dental caries:

You may be not aware of your cavities so it is recommended to visit your dentist regularly for your check-ups and cleaning even when your mouth feels good. And if you have any dental caries the doctor will fix with certain treatment which include:

*Root canal: when the tooth decay reaches the inner part of your tooth (pulp), you may require a root canal. This treatment is used to repair the badly damaged and infected tooth without removing it. Only the inner part of the tooth is removed and the pulp is replaced by filling.

*Extraction of tooth: for severely decayed teeth you may need to extract it from the root. Because severely decayed teeth can't be recovered removing is the best option to protect the other teeth from decaying. In this process, you may feel pain for some days for which the doctor will prescribe you some pain relievers. You can easily buy pain medication online from 3MEDS the online pharmacy app.

*Fluoride treatment: In case, your dental caries just started, a fluoride treatment may help you to restore the enamel of your tooth and can reverse dental caries. Fluoride treatment can be liquid, gel, or foam that is used to brushed on your teeth or placed in a tray that should be fixed on your teeth.

*Fillings: Fillings are also called restorations. This is the main treatment for tooth decay or dental caries. The filling is made up of different materials like composite resins, porcelain, or dental amalgam.

*Crowns: For weakened teeth, you may require a crown. Your dentist will fit a custom-fit cap over your tooth replacing to its natural crown. Your dentist may remove the decayed material before starting this process.


Here are some tips to prevent tooth decay:

i.  Brush your teeth with a fluoride-based toothpaste.
ii. Try to visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleaning.
iii. Avoid frequent snacking Avoid sugary foods like chocolates, candy, etc.
iv. Eat tooth-healthy foods.
v.  Ask your dentist for fluoride and antibacterial treatment.
vi. Chewing xylitol- based gum along with prescribed fluoride can be useful in lowering the risk of cavities.You can buy prescription drug online Delhi from 3MEDS the best online pharmacy for any medication.Rinse your mouth before sleeping at night.


Dental caries are a common problem in everybody's house but this can be prevented with some care. You just need to take care of your oral hygiene and visit your dentist for regular check-ups. This will help you to get treatment of any problems your dentist finds, and help you to prevent future dental problems.
Dental caries (cavities)

Dental caries (cavities)
