Personal work in 2020 | LP(300×300mm) Acrylic on Canvas
Two butterflies are trying to settle on something similar in looks to a 'sneaker'. However, the color of the sneaker isn't the same for everyone. This sneaker is based on a meme from the internet, and some say 'It's Pink and White' and others say 'It's Grey and Teal'. On the other hand, these are not your normal butterflies like your well-known 'cabbage whites'. If we are able to see ultra violet light, they would show us their hidden and gorgeous colors.
That is to say, the world is not made for the sight of human's. "I had a dream that I was flying as a butterfly one day. Then I woke up and thought. 'Am I, myself? or am I merely a butterfly that is dreaming of being human?' It's a famous line from Zhuang Zi 'Butterfly Dream'. I have painted butterflies as a guide to this unreliable world.

The reality I'm relying on is just a sight that I'm seeing, and It's not the same as others. Even the colors are not absolute. We are just living in an uncertain truth with adapted illusions which was subjectively processed by our brains.

I'm not a pessimist, I view life with open eyes, but even with our eyes opened wide, we all see things from a different perspective. One of the things that makes us unique is the fact that we all have a different set of eyes that gives us a different view on life. 
Butterfly Dream


Butterfly Dream
