Kara Israel's profile

Social Media and Digital ads

Organic Social Media Posts
In July of last year, I made the decision to experiment with a few new methods for some social assets. Since we lacked the funds to buy stock films, I got a little creative by animating static images.
Animated Icons for Social Posts
Instead of utilizing a still image, I designed animated icons to make the information more interesting and engaging.
Animated icons with an auto insurance focus.
KC Customs Social Post
This work was intended to catch users' attention by appearing to be two distinct posts on social media.
Small Business Saturday
For any of these compositions, video footage was not in the budget. Instead, I created a variety of approaches to animate each social media post.​​​​​​​
Sporting KC Invite
Invitation and event details for clients.
Digital Ad
An advertisement that appears on the University of Alabama website. By animating an image, I produced this composition.
Instant Experience
A Facebook ad using CFSI (Country Financial Security Index) metrics. This asset performed very well and had high engagement.
Social Media and Digital ads


Social Media and Digital ads

Pictured are various advertisements that I created at Country Financial.
