Just cosmetics
Just Cosmetics is an ethically produced makeup brand that reduces waste, and promotes well-being and inclusivity. 
The cosmetics industry is one of the top contributors to landfill waste, producing 8 billion units of packaging waste every year. Most cosmetic products are made of plastics and multi-material packaging that's difficult to take apart to recycle. For my capstone project I set out to address this issue by creating a closed loop makeup company. The end result is a series of cork compacts with removable aluminum makeup pans. Once each pan is empty, customers recycle it and purchase a refill. The compacts, which were inspired by the simple, organic  forms of river stones, are intended to be durable and elegant, and reused endlessly.
The outer case is made of compressed cork because it's highly regenerative, antimicrobial, shock resistant, and biodegradable. The makeup is pressed into recycled aluminum pans that can be recycled again. The pans fit snugly inside the cork case and follow the shape of each compact. 

Dimensions: approximately 3”L x 2”W x .5”H
Just Cosmetics