Brand Identity and Art Direction

estitiks is a satirical art brand that makes fun of what's #aesthetic.

The designs are inspired by graphic design trends like the use of gradients or duotone pictures. Juxtaposing the visual aesthetic of the stickers are statements that may be crass, punny, or a #mood.

Our products serve as commentary on how things can be easily accepted just because of its visual aesthetic, and nothing else deeper.

It is based on text graphics associated to Tumblr and the Vaporwave art style, what is deemed as #aesthetic for the Gen Z audience.

"Pak! Sheet Sya!" is the sticker sheet line of estitiks.
They focus more on different kinds of aesthetics that are a part of pop culture, like streetwear and WordArt.


estitiks is a satirical art brand I made to make fun of what's #aesthetic for Gen Z and millenial audiences.
