A conceptual portrait photography project that explores the theme 'fear', giving a visual artistic re-interpretation to what people see as fear. When communicating through words became overwhelming, art becomes a medium to express our emotions and feelings. 

This project aims to shed light on the subject, calling people to get in touch with their strange, quirky, complicated or even dark selves. Project Paralysis also wants to normalize the vulnerable side of human and giving them a sense of solace, knowing there are others they can relate to.


Tangled in the red string of fate, 
leads to the future envisioned, 
yet clings the burden it carries.

Talent: Afifah
"As everyone else's, my fear is that I’m afraid my world would suddenly turn upside down, figuratively. In our lives, everyone knows what we want and do. But what if one day, whatever we planned didn’t turn out the way we wanted? I would panic, I would stop everything I'm doing and ask myself, “what should I do now?”. It would make me feel like I'm losing control over things. I'd need to start over
from the beginning. But by time I do, I'd already feel exhausted."


Broken bones and mangled minds,
with exasperation 
to reach that binds.

Talent: Vishran
"I’m afraid of heights. I'd get out of breath and my body starts to shake. When you look down, you’re not sure if you’re standing or if you’re going to fall, so automatically your body starts shaking out of fear. There wasn’t any past event in particular that first triggered this fear, I’m just afraid of falling. But I’ve never fallen off, though. I don’t care if I fall and die, because I wouldn’t feel any pain. But I don’t want to fall and break any bones and suffer for months and years. To put it simply, I am afraid of suffering for a long time."


The shattered glass that marks the body, 
scars to stay for centuries 
and blood to pay that curses for eternity.

Talent: Muhsin
"I’m traumatized by driving, basically the thought of being in an accident again. I was in a two car accidents in the span of a week. I wouldn't exactly say I am afraid of dying, I accept death. My fear has more to do with the aftermath. Escpecially if I was the one that caused it like during my second car accident. There were no injuries, but it was just a traumatizing experience because I felt like I could've avoid it. But no one can foresee an accident coming. In a way, my fear is either losing control over or not being in control over things."


An involuntary actor to the experimental show, 
Under the microscope's glass of an illusory audience

Talent: Mina
"I have a panic disorder, I panic easily. One of the triggers is when I have to give presentations in class. So, because of my situation, I have a fear of being judged. I’ve had it for a long time but it happens a lot more now that I'm in university. Sometimes, I feel like people judge me out of nowhere or just when I'm just walking around and go about my day. But in reality, I know no one is really judging me."


The silent whispers that rule the mind,
Convinving the unseeing eyes that fall upon by,
To torture the anxious soul with these lies.

Talent: Quan
"If I have one, I would say it’s a fear of being watched. Every time I’m outside especially around crowds, I feel like I’m being watched all the time. For example, I could just be ordering a takeout in a restaurant or just go by my day, but I would feel anxious. I feel like I’m being judged all the time, whether I’m out by myself or with friends, though it happens less when I'm with friends. I’m pretty sure I’m just completely paranoid because I don’t think people are actually are watching me."

Check out our Instagram page to watch our interview sessions and highlights from our mini exhibition! 


Group Members: Aisyah bt Hairul Azhar, Rosdena Nadhirah bt Muhaiyuddin, Nurainina Arina bt Mohd Fauzi, Amiratul Huda bt Razali, Raja Nur Afiqah Read More
