Nikolina Kantar's profile

PEN PALS - Tangible/intangible

Pen Pals Intangible/Tangible
Hello there, 

When was the last time you just sat at home and just relaxed? 
I guess with Uni and all these assignment we don't really get much time especially if you want to become an Architect! 

My highlight was my candle. 

Close yours eyes. Breathe in. Breathe Out. Relax. Imagine you had all the time in the world. Imagine nobody could stop you. Imagine you just slept all day. Wouldn't it be amazing. But reality is, we are here doing an assignment at 2am in the morning. However just make sure you don't fall too far off the edge. 

Tell me what you experience is through life and what you would want to change it. 

Look forward to hearing back from you.
Hey Benny, 

I read your postcard and it gave me the thought of going around my house to see what scents I have. Whenever I walk into the bathroom, I always have a vanilla scent candle light up. It always remind me to breathe in and out and relax. Candles make me stress feel and help me relax especially with all these assignments happening. 

I agree with you that scents trigger memory. Whenever I smell this candle I always thinks of floral flower. 

Hope to hear from you again,
PEN PALS - Tangible/intangible

PEN PALS - Tangible/intangible


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